Central reading system CRS 40 V2


Central reading system CRS 40 V2 and Unit B V2 COMBI is designed for data reading from radio heat cost allocators E-ITN 30 and radio modules for water meters E-RM 30. System is wireless and except for power supply (and possibly connection to Internet) does not require installation of any cables.

System concept

System requires a minimum of user inputs via user interface. During reqular operation it processes and saves data. In case of error, it will let you know - send an e-mail, and you can immideately solve the situation. From time to time you can backup all data to you computer. If you are looking for more possibilities you can use secured connection to SFTP server you can run on your own or use server from our company. On this SFTP server you can have available everyday data from all your systems CRS40 and you gain an option to easily and in bulk to configure them. All units can connect everyday to server to upload new data and download configuration files that are used to to reconfigure based on your requiremennts by the end of the day. No matter what option of data management for CRS40 you select, granted are fully automatic updates from the manufacurer and developer of operation system Linux so all known security demands are met.

System elements for Unit B V2

Reading network consists of one controlling Unit B V2 and several collector Units A. These units are automatically configured to wireless network with star topology. Every collector Unit A has direct radio conection with controlling Unit B. Unit B controls communication in whole reading network, it saves and processes collected data.

System elements for Unit B V2 COMBI

Reading network consists of only one controlling Unit B V2 COMBI that does not require any other collecting Units A. Its advantages are lower costs and faster installation. The most important feature is uniterupted reading compared to standard system CRS 40 V2, where units A has to adhere to limits for sending radio signal and cannot continuously send data to its Unit B. Unadvantage of system COMBI is a bit lower coverage - maximum one entrance (6 - 8 floors) or 2 entrances (4 floors) and can be installed only in the middle of the radio area.

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